Information in English
Data transmission to a Specialised Comprehensive Assistance Centre
Upon receiving a report of domestic violence from an individual at risk or a victim of violence, a police officer or prosecutor shall promptly inform the Specialised Comprehensive Assistance Centre through electronic means. The police officer or prosecutor shall provide the Specialised Comprehensive Assistance Centre with essential information regarding the person at risk of domestic violence or the victim. This means the identification code of offence (ROIK) if available, the date and address of the domestic violence incident and details about protection order granted, if any (date and time of the granting of the protection order and the end of its application, date of the order, obligations imposed and the results of the domestic violence risk assessment carried out). Other information provided will be the full name of the person at risk of domestic violence or the person who has suffered violence, a contact phone number, email address and a brief description. Regardless of whether a pretrial investigation is initiated, the police officer or prosecutor shall transmit the report on domestic violence to the Specialised Comprehensive Assistance Centre.
List of Specialised Comprehensive Assistance Centres an Excel, sheet 1.
Nature of specialised comprehensive assistance provided.
Institutions and organisations operating within the municipal territory – or in the absence of these, within the neighbouring municipalities – that offer social services to individuals at risk of domestic violence or those who have experienced violence within the family – the aforementioned list will be used in Excel format, sheets 2–3.
Possible actions of the State Child Rights Protection and Adoption Service under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour if the person at risk of domestic violence or has experienced domestic violence or is at risk of domestic violence is a child
The State Child Rights Protection and Adoption Service under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Service’) shall respond to all incoming reports of children who may be victims of domestic violence, treating them as possible violations of the child’s rights. Upon receipt of any report indicating a potential violation of a child’s rights, the Service shall promptly execute the actions stipulated in Article 36 of the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the Framework of Protection of the Rights of the Child: launch the investigation as soon as possible, but no later than three working days from receiving the report. In cases involving possible violence against a child, endangerment to their safety, health or life, or the child’s presence in an unsafe environment, the investigation must commence within six hours. In the case of a report received from the police, the investigation must begin within one hour of receipt of the report. This means conducting an interview with the child, ensuring unrestricted communication, and engaging with the child’s legal representatives in accordance with the law.
The Minister of Social Security and Social Protection of the Republic of Lithuania bears the responsibility for assessing the child’s situation. The approved ‘Description of the Procedure for the Assessment of the Child’s Situation’ outlined in Order No A1-803 of the Minister of Social Security and Labour dated 30 December 2019 also applies.
Upon completion of the actions specified in Article 36 as outlined above, the Service or its authorised local department shall conduct an assessment of the child’s circumstances, in compliance with Order No A1-803. If necessary, the Service shall initiate the provision of assistance to the child and/or family (including applying for the appointment of a case manager) and implement additional measures to ensure the child’s safety.
Institutions and organisations that provide social services to individuals at risk of domestic violence within the municipal territory, or in the absence thereof, within the neighbouring municipalities – based list, sheet 4.
Access to programmes and training aimed at addressing and changing violent behaviour based list, sheet 5.
Atnaujinimo data: 2024-01-24