Social work and regulation
Social work is a professional activity that enables individuals, families, communities and society to solve mutual relations and social problems, by promoting social change, improving the quality of life and enhancing solidarity and social justice.
A social services institution employs social workers, social worker assistants and other employees in the field of social services, whose list of job positions is approved by the Minister of Social Security and Labour, as well as education and health care specialists and other employees.
Social work is carried out exclusively by social workers.
Persons wishing to work as social workers must have the following education:
- the qualification degree (professional bachelor’s, bachelor’s, master’s) in social work;
- another qualification degree (professional bachelor’s, bachelor’s, master’s) acquired before 31 December 2014 and a social worker’s qualification;
- another qualification degree (professional bachelor’s, bachelor’s, master’s) acquired before 31 December 2014 and a certificate of completion of a study programme in social work;
- another qualification degree (professional bachelor’s, bachelor’s, master’s) in the field of social studies acquired before 31 December 2014 and proof of attendance and completion of social work courses of at least 40 credits in a higher school that trains social workers;
- another qualification degree (professional bachelor’s, bachelor’s, master’s) in the field other than social studies acquired before 31 December 2014 and proof of attendance and completion of social work courses of at least 60 credits in a higher school that trains social workers;
- a qualification degree (professional bachelor’s, bachelor’s, master’s) in social pedagogy or a social pedagogue’s qualification, if the person is going to work with children and/or families at social risk.
Employees in the field of social services, including social workers, must continually, for at least 16 academic hours per calendar year, develop their professional competence. A social worker’s practice is evaluated during certification in accordance with the procedure established by the Minister of Social Security and Labour.
Last updated: 17-01-2024