Equality between women and men is a fundamental value of the EU enshrined in the Treaties and is a horizontal priority in all policy areas. In our country, equal rights and opportunities for women and men are enshrined in the Law on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men. Consistent and systematic implementation of programmes, measures and projects is aimed at gender equality de facto.
The Law on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men since 1998 forbids any discrimination – direct and indirect – on the grounds of sex, harassment on the grounds of sex, sexual harassment and an instruction to directly or indirectly discriminate against persons on the grounds of sex. The Law sets out preconditions for gender mainstreaming. All State and municipal institutions and agencies must ensure that equal rights for women and men are ensured in all the legal acts drafted and enacted by them, must draw up and implement programmes and measures aimed at ensuring equal opportunities for women and men and, in the manner prescribed by laws, must support the programmes of public establishments, associations and charitable foundations which assist in implementing equal opportunities for women and men.
The fourth National Programme on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men 2015–2021 and its Action Plan is being implemented in order to achieve gender equality de facto.
The Programme is complex covering gender equality activities in priority areas. They are: employment, science and education, health-care, environmental protection, national defence, decision-making, EU and international cooperation and developing mechanisms and methods to implement equal opportunities for women and men. Different ministries are responsible for the implementation of the concrete measures. Municipalities, women’s organizations, gender studies centres, social partners and other relevant bodies are encouraged to cooperate in implementation.
The Programme joins the efforts of State institutions, women’s non-governmental organizations, researchers and social partners to reduce inequalities of different situations of women and men.
Commission on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men set up by Resolution No 266 of 7 March 2000 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania is in charge of coordination of implementation. The Commission is formed of representatives of ministries and non-governmental organizations. The Commission is chaired by the Vice minister of the Ministry of Social Security and Labour, G. Klimavičius. The composition of the Commission is approved by the Order of the Minister of Social Security and Labour. Each year the Commission prepares yearly reports on the implementation of the Programme and submits them to the Government. Approved reports are published on Ministry‘s website. A comprehensive impact assessment and a comparative evaluation of the implementation of the Programme is conducted at the end of the Programme.
National legislation
Law on Equal Opportunitie for Women and Men
National Programme and Action Plan
National Programe on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men 2015-2021
Reports, statistics and other documents
Statistics Lithuania publication "Women and Men in Lithuania 2015"
Statistics Lithuania publication "Women and Men in Lithuania 2014"
A toolkit for gender equality in practice - 100 best practices for gender equality at work
National institutions and NGO’s